Hear Stephen King Read from Gerald’s Game, On Writing, and Joyland

Below is a compilation of interviews with Stephen King from NPR in 1992, 2000 and 2013. In addition to speaking on growing up, believing in God, and what scares him the most, these interviews contain King reading excerpts from Gerald’s Game, On Writing, and Joyland. (The excerpt from On Writing is surprisingly the most gruesome, as it details King’s near-death experience in which he was hit by a van while walking the shoulder of Maine State Route 5 in Lovell in June 1999.) While the audiobook for On Writing is narrated by Stephen King, these are the only recordings I know of in which King reads from his books Gerald’s Game and Joyland, making them a rare treat indeed.

Get Gerald’s Game, On Writing, and Joyland in hardcover, paperback, Kindle, or audiobook by clicking on the book cover of your choice below!

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One Reply to “Hear Stephen King Read from Gerald’s Game, On Writing, and Joyland”

  1. It’s always a pleasure to hear Stephen King in interesting interviews, and not having to answer the usual suspect questions.

    However, this is not the first time King read some of his books.
    A part of my french book about Stephen King deals with just that : King being a reader, and i have listed quite a few of his books that he read, or even just the introduction.
    King has also read other books (“One on One”, by Tabitha King) or shared his voice for some parts. For instance he reads Abraham Lincoln’s quotes in “Assassination Vacation” by Sarah Vowell, and do a small character in the audiobook version of “Locke and Key”

    Furthermore, he has also shared his voice in some movies and or songs (eg : Everlong, by Branson Arroyo)

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