God bless Joe Hill who took to the Internet airwaves last night for an unexpected hour-long Facebook Live, answering questions from readers and fans while promoting Strange Weather, now available in paperback. Among the many delightful stories and crazy anecdotes shared by Hill during the hour were these 18 things we learned about the life […]
Joe Hill
A First Look at Stephen King & Bev Vincent’s ‘Flight or Fright’

I was delighted to receive this ARC (Advance Readers Copy) of Stephen King & Bev Vincent’s Flight or Fright anthology coming Sept 4 from Cemetery Dance Publications with audiobook release from Simon & Schuester Audio. While I have yet to make it through each story, I wanted to share as much as I am allowed […]
REVIEW: The One Thing Andy Muschietti’s ‘It’ Gets Right

It’s hard – nearly impossible, maybe – to go into It without any sense of critical bias. Stephen King fans hold It in such high regard, it has become like the Constant Readers’ Bible. And for those who watched and loved the 1990 miniseries, let’s just get it out of the way right here and […]
Joe Hill Says IT Is One of the 5 Scariest Movies Ever Made

During a Q&A this week, Joe Hill boldly proclaimed Andrés Muschietti’s adaptation of IT to be one of the 5 scariest movies ever made! That news may lead skeptics to the inevitable question: Well, what else is on your list, Joe? I mean, after all if one’s list consists of Chopping Mall and Slumber Party […]
Weekend Roundup: The Busiest Stephen King News Week in History

Okay, so it’s arguable. But folks, we might have just witnessed one of the busiest Stephen King news weeks in history. In case you missed a moment, here’s the round-up of all that happened in the multiverse of King things over the past 7 days: ‘Gwendy’s Button Box’ Preview: Co-authored by Stephen King and Richard […]