The good people at Warner Bros. have been tight-lipped when it comes to the voice of Pennywise, the Dancing Clown. Tim Curry, who portrayed the terrifying clown in the 1990 miniseries, was particularly known for his characterization of the title character’s voice. With Bill Skarsgard taking the lead for this new adaptation, Pennywise has been […]
Tim Curry
Women In Horror: Annette O’Toole Talks Stephen King’s IT

Many may recognize Annette O’Toole from her more famous roles, such as Lana Lang in Superman III, or Clark Kent’s mother in the TV show, Smallville. An older generation might even know her as the tutor/girlfriend of Robby Benson in 1977’s One on One. But my introduction to Annette came from the 1990 miniseries adaptation […]