Watching It Chapter Two might feel an awful lot like visiting your own hometown. There are plenty of skeletons buried, ghosts that continue to haunt, and lingering memories liable to induce tears or fears around every corner. It Chapter Two feels more like a continuation of its 2017 predecessor than a sequel. I confess I […]
REVIEW: The One Thing Andy Muschietti’s ‘It’ Gets Right

It’s hard – nearly impossible, maybe – to go into It without any sense of critical bias. Stephen King fans hold It in such high regard, it has become like the Constant Readers’ Bible. And for those who watched and loved the 1990 miniseries, let’s just get it out of the way right here and […]
Behold The Voice of Pennywise in New ‘It’ TV Spot

The good people at Warner Bros. have been tight-lipped when it comes to the voice of Pennywise, the Dancing Clown. Tim Curry, who portrayed the terrifying clown in the 1990 miniseries, was particularly known for his characterization of the title character’s voice. With Bill Skarsgard taking the lead for this new adaptation, Pennywise has been […]
Watch the NEW Trailer for Stephen King’s IT

Presented without comment. Other than… OH. EM. GEE. What do YOU think of the new trailer for It? Like it? SHARE IT!
Joe Hill Says IT Is One of the 5 Scariest Movies Ever Made

During a Q&A this week, Joe Hill boldly proclaimed Andrés Muschietti’s adaptation of IT to be one of the 5 scariest movies ever made! That news may lead skeptics to the inevitable question: Well, what else is on your list, Joe? I mean, after all if one’s list consists of Chopping Mall and Slumber Party […]
WATCH: A Sneak Peek at Scoring Session for ‘It’

Director Andrés Muschietti gave a sneak peek of new music from It this morning. Muschietti posted the following video from today’s scoring session to his Instagram account along with the caption: RUN HAYSTACK! Benjamin Wallfisch is composing the score for It. Wallfisch’s previous credits include the horror movie Annabelle: Creation, as well as Hidden Figures […]
Weekend Roundup: The Busiest Stephen King News Week in History

Okay, so it’s arguable. But folks, we might have just witnessed one of the busiest Stephen King news weeks in history. In case you missed a moment, here’s the round-up of all that happened in the multiverse of King things over the past 7 days: ‘Gwendy’s Button Box’ Preview: Co-authored by Stephen King and Richard […]
‘IT’: Official Trailer & Poster, Plus Finn Wolfhard Talks Pennywise

The long-awaited trailer for Stephen King’s IT is here, and it’s downright terrifying. Bill Skarsgård had some big clown shoes to fill as Pennywise, a role first embodied to perfection by Tim Curry in the 1990 TV miniseries adaptation of the bestselling novel. If the trailer is any indication, however, Pennywise is officially back and […]
Women In Horror: Annette O’Toole Talks Stephen King’s IT

Many may recognize Annette O’Toole from her more famous roles, such as Lana Lang in Superman III, or Clark Kent’s mother in the TV show, Smallville. An older generation might even know her as the tutor/girlfriend of Robby Benson in 1977’s One on One. But my introduction to Annette came from the 1990 miniseries adaptation […]
This Old TV Ad for Stephen King’s IT Cleans Up Nice

If you were a Stephen King fan in the early 1990’s, you might recall seeing this TV ad for Stephen King’s IT. Now thanks to one fan’s glorious reproduction using the new blu-ray release’s high-quality transfer, you can see what it would look like if that same commercial were to air today. Aside from the […]